MAGAZINE TIME. (raise the roof. go on, raise it good. raise it like its the love child of Donnatella (Versace) and Kermit (the frog).) Once a month I leave the house (traumatic from a sociopaths perspective but its only once a month and i manage somehow) and i go and spend my wages on i-D, DAZED&CONFUSED and the occasional Interview magazine and then i spend the rest of that month POURING over EVERY DAMN PAGE. its not a pretty sight but ITS MY LIFE.
The new i-D wasn't there so i bought POP instead. Now last time i bought POP it was Katie Grands last issue as editor and it was just a bit naff. (plus i couldn't help noticing the overuse of bare boobs; i mean they were EVERYWHERE...watching me with staring nipples)

this one was the booby-enriched issue.
But with the relaunch, the newly appointed editor (Dasha Zhukova) has born a diamond.

I love Damien Hirst's butterfly embellished cover and the innovative editorials are sublime. im so ready for the next issue.
plus i immensely love the YSL shirt Tavi Gevinson is wearing on the cover.
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