Anglomania Autumn/Winter 2009-10
This collection was so strong and i would like to own each outfit. (you hear that santa claus; ALL OF THEM...please... If you dare get me a damn Incredible Hulk stationary set now, you're - metaphysically- DEAD TO ME. ). Vivienne has also converted me (not in a religious/sexual/scientific conversion of matter way) to liking velour. I know its been a trend but it was always one of my pet hates. The first dress, however, is DIV-INE. Im a believer.
Westwood MAN Autumn/Winter 2009/10
I think its ridiculous that high street menswear is stuck in a rut (a cardigan and smurf hat rut... IM LOOKIN AT YOU TOPMAN, YOUR ABSOLUTE NAFF) when designers have pushed it so far beyond. I loooooove the hoodie. (wow i never thought i would say that sentence) and the t-shirts are ace ( i want one). PLUS, Andreas Kronthaler is hot. Of course, the fact that he's married to viv adds to the appeal...
Red Label Autumn/Winter 2009-10
My favourite element of Red Label was the collision of lines and the dark, muted colours. The first and third look have a twisted, anarchic preppie juxtaposition that I think is awesome. The second look just LOOKS SO DAMN COMFY. ( my mum would be so proud that i like an outfit for its comfiness. i feel like a TRAITOR TO MY PRINCIPLES... i still want to roll around sleepily in that cardigan though)
Gold Label Autumn/Winter 2009-10
I think Gold label is Viv's second strongest current collection (behind or perhaps parallel with Anglomania); her idiosyncratic grungy paroxysm is still alive, I love that these pieces showcase her thesis on modern punk. My personal favourites from this selection are either the third or sixth look. And that tartan is FIEEEEEEEEERCE. as per usual.
AHHHHHH VIVIENNE. sixty eight years old and still one of the most directional, innovative designers. and she confirms my theory that orange hair is the key to brilliance.