Soooooooooo y'know i said i added irrelevant shit to my wardrobe? YEAH WELL I BOUGHT THESE BEAUTS OF EBAY WITH THE SPECIFIC INTENTION OF POLLUTING RUN DOWN NEW YORK CAFES WITH MY PRESENCE WHILE WEARING THEM (its gonna be SO EDITORIAL, non?). ALL of my companions have donned them at shook what their mama gave them. I think they approve. I MEAN, HOW COULD YOU NOT?!
ALSO, in the spirit of true americana, i bought a old american flag (from 'The Vintage Rooms'. HOW 'FASHION' IS THAT? killin' it. Its such a beautiful thing with many MANY stains. YUM. WAR RESIDUE???)

Madly dancing around, with a beautiful old flag, singing to the Brazilian Girls "Nouveau Americain" really makes one feel INTERNATIONAL.
The vintage rooms? In Wirksworth!?
ReplyDeleteyes... YES!
ReplyDeleteYEAH I KNEW IT! (S' beccca :D)
ReplyDeleteAnyway where'd you get those glasses, they're fit as FUCK. <3
Ps: You're a 15 yr old male. Its odd that you can get away with "Fierce"
(it took 3 tries to spell fierce)